Here's what some of our customers had to say about there experience with
Sentell Pickups. If you have had the pleasure of trying out one of our pickups
or had one rewound and would like to add a review please email us at and we will add your review or pictures to this page.

MH02 review
These pickups are amazing on any number of levels. So simple in their design and look. But so totally unique. The sound of them are just incredible and in conjunction with my custom electronics like onboard preamps and unity gain buffer systems, they're creating a new sound for electric guitars. I can't tell you how well they are working out for me with my custom guitar work here. They've actually drawn more attention to my business and I really can't say enough about them. If I haven't said it before, to you and Jerry both, I'm deeply grateful.
-jasonThank you...

This is the first time I used the Sentell dog ear 8 in one of my lap
steel builds. I wired it with a p/p switch for humbucker or single coil
configuration. Received this from my customer:
"Got the guitar a couple of hours ago.Been playing it the whole time. I
really like my other one but this one is a whole different animal. Highs
are clear and thick,lows are clear and powerful, really clean with the
splitter on. Its just WOW!!!
I would say to not be shy about promoting that pickup. This guitar is
alive. Thanks so much Bob. Happy Trails. Mike C"
Bob Allen

Jerry and Christine,
just wanted to say i love the pickups. finally got them into my build. they sound awesome, they are low noise, and the look is perfect for this axe.
thank you!
Hello Sentell family,
I've have been playing my lap steel build for several days and wanted to let you know how impressed I am with the sound of the Tennessee Honey PU. All the tone and bark I envisioned when I started building the guitar.
Thanks for building me a great pickup!

Hi Jerry and Christine, thanks for a great custom pickup! 18k works nicely in this left handed Fender Champion/Stringmaster mashup I made from extra parts and a sadly poached lap steel body. Good call on the 250k pots too because the position of the bridge still has lots of treble.
I’m off to my next project so I’ll be back!
Mark Addeo

Hey mate, here's a photo of my 1st guitar build. I've used those pickups you sent me, which I bought from you 2016. Hooe you like her, she plays beautifully, throaty P90 to clean Tele bridge pickup. The Custom STK JB Seymour Duncan in the middle was installed as a humbucking selection to cancel hum. King regards Josh
Hi Jerry and Christine,
Just a quick email to let you know how my pickups worked out. I ended up taking the cover off the unmudbucker and mounting it under my pickguard. I’m flat out amazed that a 44k pickup could be so bright. It’s got a very P bass kind of sound. My next P bass might have two of these under the pickguard.
The J40 sits in the bridge and snarls like it should.
Each pickup is fed into a buffer and each has a crossover (high pass for the bridge, low pass for the neck). With the crossovers turned on, my tonal goals were achieved perfectly. I’ve got a biting 60s jazz bridge pickup sound with a room filling bottom end.
Thank you for working with me and helping me with my slightly different idea.
I’m a very happy customer and I’ll be a repeat customer, too.
Cheerio ,

Just wanted to say thank you for those Jazzmaster pickups you made me. Love them even more than the Jaguar pickups, which are also excellent. Still painting my hollow body Jazzmaster since it’s too humid in Chicago to paint but I put it together and that neck Humbucker is the best guitar pickup I’ve ever heard. It is everything I wanted it to be. The bridge pickup sounds great as well. You’re definitely my pickup source from now on.

Thank you. I love my Jaguar pickups the neck pickup in particular is one of the best sounding pickups I’ve ever used. Lots of lows and low mid growl with a warm wordiness from the Alnico 2 magnets. Almost sounds like a humbucker crosses with a P90 and a Jaguar pickup. I’m never buying pickups from anyone else again that’s for sure.

Hi Christine, That B47 made it and, just like the last one, superb. This instrument is called "The Gambler" by its new owner who is now a true believer in the Sentell Product.
Thanks, again,
BruceEasy Wilt :Jerry Sentell...Brother!..the MORE I play that Guitar w/ your
pick-ups in it...The funner it gets...You know, back in 85-86??...I never dreamt I
would have a sound like that!...or that it was even possible...and as time went on
and on... I zero'd into what I "perceived" to be The Sound I was looking For...and I
am VERY Eccentric, and a perfectionist on Sound. What this Guitar accomplishes
is nearly the Impossible for the $$$ spent on it. I could see the 50-s thru early
70's versions of Strats. Tele's. & Les Paul's....achiieving it...but, not this....dream
come true man

Hi Jerry,
The pickups are great am loving the sound
the fat bridge is really what I was after and
the split neck has a great retro tone with myhalf round strings.
Thanks again, Laurie

Took this old dog out to play.
-Fender Blacktop P body. Routed to
fit the P pickup, poorly, then stripped
and stained by a pothead learning to
customize instruments for the first
-MIM Jazz neck
-Custom pickups by Sentell Pickups.
I put them in about a month ago and
they sound BEEFY.
-Stupid ape friendly controls:
Volume/Volume/3-way toggle.
-Badass II Bridge

Hello Christine and Jerry
A while back you guys produced a pair of custom
pickups for me, according to specs fitting an
unusual instrument I had in mind called Squeegy
K – a kalimba-like instrument in which the tines
are sounded by friction. The pickup arrived and
worked great, and I thank you for that.
Thanks and all best

The pickups arrived safe and sound. I
installed today into my 2019 Squier
Classic Vibe Mustang bass and WOW.
I am blown away. They sound amazing!
Much fuller sound and great attack
when using a pick. Really very
Thanks to you and Jerry for the great
service and product

Hello Christine,
Now that I've had a chance to put the B-47 through it's
paces, I wrote to tell you I LOVE this thing. It took the
instrument to another place where thick, meaty tone
lives. Bang for the buck? Sentell NAILS it, thanks,

1982 Bullet bass. I loved the
neck and the light weight of the
bass but the original Bullet
pickup was anemic. The Sentell
pickup sounds INCREDIBLE.
This bass went from a student
model/starter to looking and
sounding absolutely killer. I have
since sold both my P bass and
my J bass as I was not using
them any more. Feel free to use
these pictures for any purpose.
Many, many thanks—
Hi Jerry — Just letting you know that I
really like the pickup you made for my
lap steel. Everything lined up just right
and the sound is clean and strong —
thanks again! —Ted
Hello Sentell,
Just wanted to express my
with the P90 rewind job you
did for me.
My SG sounds better than
ever! I have had
This instrument since 1967
and it is my favorite.
Thanks for the ultimate tone!!!
Bud Worrell

I got a chance to play with this pickup
this past Saturday and I’ve got to tell
you this thing sounds great. It has a
deep low end and crisp highs. Great
job on this pickup.
-ebay reveiw

Hey y’all, just wanted to show
you the guitar the Horseshoe
went in. Amazing work!
-Satisfied Sentell Pickups
With its new Sentell humbucker, this thing is quiet
as a church mouse. Just the ticket for rooms where
60-cycle hum is an issue.
-Jack Hanson

Hi, Thanks for the P-90
humbucker! SOUND LIKE A
BEAST on my Gibson Les
Paul Junior project!!
-Satisfied customer

I had my Nighthawk modded
with a Dayhawk a while back
& WOW!! That thing is
incredible!! Perfect tone, no
noise!! I don't know how y'all
did it, but it gets a big thumbs
up from me!!
-Satisfied customer

After isolating some ground noise
problems that were created due to the
lack of fully shielded weakass
humbucking coils from the factory...
Stock PU's were fully housed in nickle
casing, grounded to the braided wire.
They were quiet AND weak!
Now that the GORN & SNAKE
CHARMER are installed, that Epiphone
bass KILLS!
Way more FOCUS. Tonal range,
accuracy and response.
Not to mention the LOOKS!
I couldn't more happy with the fine work
you've done for me.
Thank you so much.
Steve Ivy
Received my P-bass rewind and Installed in a home made "sleeper"bass.
Super Hot pickup's and tone pot range give the bass
everything from finger tap/slap sensitivity & harmonics to nice Blues & Country tones with the pot rolled back. Basically it's a Garage Monster!
Nice job Jerry!
I just got the pickup today and went down to my tech's house and had it put in. I must say...I took a chance on this and I'd say it is a success!
Looks and sounds great! Slanted pole pieces are perfectly centered under the strings. I'll be back for my next custom job!
Much appreciated.
Mini-humbucker for a Yamaha SC600

I received the pickup and
installed it today. This thing
sounds great! Very clear and a
perfect replacement for my
music master.

Trashmaster. It wails. A distressed (to say the least)
Squire Jazzmaster, with a Sentell Pickups Spacemaster
humbucker in the neck, and a Green Golem JM style in
the bridge (dig in the clear top showing the green wire).
Set up with The Gabriel Tenorio String Co JM
Super10s, and plays damn fine.

Here is a picture of my Yamaha SC600 with the
Sentell Mini-humbucker installed.
I gotta say...I've had it in there for a couple weeks
now and....
This thing sounds GREAT! I can't put it down! You
hit this out of the park!
It surpasses expectation. You even matched the
pole piece size to the stock pickups.
You made this rare Japanese baby sound as good
as it looks.
Thanks again!
Mike Norris

Thanks to the quality of Jerry Sentell pickups
my builds got better. Too many pickup makers
are identical and you need to make an
instrument around them. Jerry's stuff is the
opposite. I find myself pushing boundaries
rather than being pegged by them. It also
helps that he's as crazy as I am. I hate working
with stuck up pricks. Lol!!!!!!
-Chris Matos
Now that's an interesting pickup! Made by
Jerry Sentell of Sentell Pickups the primary
feature are the polepieces of three different
sizes (3/8ths-3/16ths). The sound is
balanced so well that it sounds like it's
running thru and EG board that's been
"Scooped". This was the first which now
resides with a very happy customer. As a
side note this thing was a drunken thought.
Jerry was cool enough to give it a shot and
it's a winner!

Thank You!!! Jerry Sentell!!!!!..... I Played The new Jackson for
Over an Hour this Morning..(Made a Video that I can't upload for
some reason?) The Pick Ups are Absolutely 100% of What I
wanted..-in every way, shape, and form!!!! Every.."SOUND"....or
Successions of.."SOUNDS"
has.."personality".... EXACTLY PERFECT MAN!!!...The Guys @
Sam Ash...kind of..'Thumbed their noses at it"....which made me
laugh a little....because It just so seems...That EVERY Guitar
Player these days is looking for the.."Hottest, most Ignorant Sound"
Imagineable....and that is NOT Me at all..... I Make, Build, and
Set-Up Guitars to be able to....Blend!!!! with the other Instruments,
and to be....distinclly...Heard!!! Not a bunch of Noise &
Distortion...that is un-deciephrable... Perfect Man!! A+ Job Brother!

Brother, I finally had a few gigs to
put it through the ringer, and I gotta say, this Mini P90 is a freekin
baller. A rock 'n roll twang machine.
Best bridge pickup I've ever heard.

Hi Jerry, had my HB 22 humbuckers
installed this weekend with a set up.
Unbelievable, round, syrupy, full tone on this. It's now a very dynamic guitar that's worthy of
pro rock. Cheers! -Mike

Sentell mini Humbucker in the
neck and the Sentell Tele pick up
in the bridge position. Sounds
Dear Christine
Thank you.
I'm very happy. It was a good day today.
Sentell PUs's a very valuable goods.
The quality is superb, but also very good service.
I think that such a spirit will be accepted so in Japan.
In reality I'm very proud to friends.
Friends are longing to your goods.
Fender, Lindy and Duncan is not at all.
Senntell Brand what I want to more developed in Japan.
I am also a purchase.
Thank you, really thank you.
Hello Jerry,
The pickup arrived today and I just wanted to thank you for the speedy
delivery. I have just dropped it into my bass and wired it up as per your
diagram. I am blown away by the sound and output of the B-18 - plenty of
midrange and a full bottom end. My short scale now sounds as good as my '51
Ri P Bass that I (foolishly) sold a few years back. I'm very happy with the
pickup. Thanks again Jerry.
May 2016
Hey Christine
I finished reassembling my old Rickenbacker 4001 together today, and am
VERY pleased with the job Jerry did. The pickup sounds great!
Please let him know how happy I am with the job.
Thanks for everything!
Hi Jerry....
I just received the rewound Rick horseshoe pickup in the mail and I'm
way-impressed. You did a beautiful job, very professional, quick and not as
expensive as I'd first thought it may be. If you ever need a recommendation,
feel free to put my name on that list!
Thanks very, very, much! /// Mike Kolb, Sheridan, OR
January 2016
Hi Christine, tell Jerry that I received the pickup today, have done some testing and I guess I can say this is the best pickup available for pedalsteel today !!!! Sounds just fantastic. Jerry Sentell, Thanks a lot for making great pickups! I will for shure spread the word around......!
Thanks again
I finally got around to replacing my Fender Bass V pickup with the one you built for me, and what a difference. It sounds great now! It fit right into the original pickup covers and was built exactly as I indicated on the drawing I sent, as was the Electric Mando pickup I had you fabricate. In fact all the pickups you worked on and fabricated for me turned out perfect. Thank you very much for your
attention to detail and craftsmanship. I am always working one some kind of guitar build and or repair so I will be sending more work to Sentell Pickups soon. In fact I don’t plan to ever buy a “factory” pickup again as long as you continue to fabricate them.
Scott Nordhoff
Jerry is the Willy Wonka of pickup making, and the custom would set i requested is amazing, and possibly the best set i ever heard or used. He also must be related to the Flash because he got them done quick! There will be more orders for these...Thanx Jerry!
David Bernroth

just installed your pickup into my 51
frankenstein bass. my lindy was
sounding real thin and your pickup gave
me the oomph i needed. thanks for
making great stuff.

A big thank you to Jerry
Sentell of Sentell Pickups for
my new multi-coil
pickups.Hands down the best
bass pickups I have ever heard.

Here it is, the first experiment from JD
Custom Stereo Guitars, featuring
Sentell pickups:
Thanks for doing what you do, man! I
felt so lucky when I stumbled upon the
split coil pickup you make, and even
luckier that you would custom wind two
more for the neck and bridge. I am very
grateful that you were able to
contribute to the success of this
experimental project. I will definitely be
utilizing more Sentell pickups for future
-Jared D.
Thank you, it sounds fantastic! My 75 year old lap steel will be
played, not hang on the wall. There is one exactly like mine in
The Music Box in Lodi, on the wall. They recommended you to
fix the pickup, I will tell them what a great job it was!
Thanks again, John
March 2015
Hi Jerry,
Just wanted to say a big thank you for
dispatching my new middle single coil
Nighthawk pickup to the UK.
There is nothing available as an aftermarket
pickup alternative for the middle position on a
Nighthawk and then I stumbled on your site!
The stock pickup in my Epiphone Nighthawk
was very hot, almost like a stacked single coil
and lacked a certain Fender "quack".
Well your replacement has all of that and it's
fantastic. It works brilliantly alongside the
Seymour Duncan '59 I have at the bridge and
when I split it it's like having a Strat in my
So many thanks. I'll happily recommend you
to others!

Hello! That's my baby melody maker
2011 Gibson with your great pickup
Black'n'Blue in bridge.
Great sound with the feel of art!!!!
Thank you!!!
comix pasha

I dropped my Fender Jaguar off to have the new
pickups installed immediately after picking them
up from you (mostly because I don't trust my
soldering skills), and picked the guitar up today;
the new pickups sound monstrous! What was a
weak, thin, noodly sounding guitar previously is
now powerful, dense, and punchy as hell! Even
with the pickups higher output I can still get a
nice high-end "jangle" and "shimmer" through
my AC30 (both clean and overdriven),
and even a nice bit of top-end "sparkle" with
both pickups on playing clean through my Mesa
Triple Rectifier (which is quite a feat in and of
itself). The stock Fender MIJ pickups lacked any
depth, were anemic, and squealed like the
proverbial pig when any serious distortion was
applied, but now they're authoritative, full,
cutting, and immense!
Thanks again...I'll be hitting you up for a new set
for my Jazzmaster next.
Kelly T.
December 2014

Out the park again man! You
pickup kicked the s*** out of
a Lollar! Customer will be
by tomorrow and he's
chomping at the bit to crank
with his axe.
Hey Jarry. Just wanted to thank you again for the great pickup. I asked for a Red
Rhodes/Clarence White Velvet Hammer style pickup and that is exactly what you delivered.
All the Snap n Twang I could ask for and then down to SRV classic tone with just the neck.
I'm a Happy Boy!
From the 57 PAF's for an ES-175 to the Velvet Hammer for a 52 RI Tele, you delivered just
what I asked for/Nedded. Thank you my friend!
Sincerely you costumer/friend for life.
The only down side to this is now I've got to have you make me a bridge pickup because
beside your neck pickup. This Fender 62 RI bridge just sucks!
Hi Christine,
The pickup arrived safely on Friday and has since been installed. WOW! The difference
is incredible, it's solved all of the issues I had with the single coil pickup and made the
tone even sweeter! Thanks to yourself and Jerry for your excellent service, I'll be sure to
recommend you to all! :)
Many thanks,
I put the NC-17 in my acustic just above the bridge,sounds great ,captures the
harmonics and fullness
exactly of the guitar, KILLER
Pat Emil lead guitarist of The Square Cools
Hey Jerry-
You made a couple of P-90s for an SG that I had Woody Boyd working on for me.
Pardon my language but HOLY S**TBALLS ARE THESE SOME F***ING
AWESOME PICKUPS. Sorry. That's was out of line, but I can't express how
awesome these things are without using a s**tload of expletives.
Thanks again for the great work on the P-90s. This is a violently good guitar now,
thanks to you.
March 2014
Had to write and submit a photo of my new piece
with one of your gold foil p90s in it. I had gotten it
on a leap of faith while I was shopping for old
japanese gold foils. I read the description and I had
to give it a shot. My tech and I were mega pleased
and I had to pass it along. I look forward to trying
some of your other pickups. I'm including some
photos for the site.
Its a Squier 51 body, Fender MIJ 50s V neck, a
vintage dimarzio paf pro in the bridge, Wilkinson
half tele bridge, wired with a 4way rotary switch
(neck, neck and tapped bridge, neck and bridge,
bridge) and a push pull phase switch. The tones
are endless.
Thanks again!
Jess in NY

Hi Jerry & Christine.
I just wanted to tell you that I got the guitar up &
running yesterday that I purchased the pickups
from you for, I will say that they are wonderful! I
got everything I was after & they sound great in
all areas & look fantastic. I found myself running
up my driveway after work because I so excited
to play them again.. I build quite a few guitars &
will be back soon. Thank you so much for the
great deal!
January 2014

My name is John and I've bought several of your
pickups. The pair in my Flying V Baritone are
phenomenal. It sounds like no other guitar on the planet.
I was in the middle of prototype build of a new Bass model for
my shop 812GUITARS (that looks like it was straight out of the
early 50's). But my problem was I didn't like any of the pickups
on the market. Either the price was way too high or the Pickup
looked poorly built. Then a chance find online of SENTELL
changed everything. The "P-51" was a very honestly built Bass
Pickup. Cloth wires, Bakelite fiberboard bobbins (made in
house), and combination paraffin bees wax "potting". And the
selling point was the giant Alnico II pole pieces that looked like
they could break a car window!
I ordered it and once I had it in hand I completed my build,... And
was blown away!!! The response was quick and precise. Tone
went from classic "rolled/warm" James Jamerson to "Pop/Slap"
treble happy. Connected with my TSW pedals (Verbal Diarrhea
and Boston Fuzz) I had excellent control of my tone. The ability
to go from mellow Sting songs to railing Lemmy from Motorhead
was a treat in itself! And this is a Single Coil folks!!!
But my favorite part was the smell. Not many people realize that
Guitar parts do smell. This had a vintage stink that was as
pungent as sticking your head in a VW Beetle in the middle of a
hot Summers day.
I'm Chavez Owner/Luthier of "812GUITARS". SENTELL
Pickups impressed me enough that they are officially used on

've only bought one pickup from you so far, but I had to write to let you know
I watch your pickup development on ebay. When people ask me who makes
good pickups, I tell them Jerry Sentell makes good pickups. Other "makers"
buy parts and wind pickups, but only you are innovating and designing new
styles and configurations of pickups. When a player wants a unique sound, I
tell them to look into your designs. I can see in your designs when you've
had to make bobbins and baseplates and polepieces, and had to custom cut
your magnets. The "single coil" pickup with six individually wound coils
comes to mind first. I appreciate the fact that you are turning out pickups that
the world has never seen before. I look forward to a list of album credits that
named the songs that could not have been recorded with any other pickups
but yours. Thank you for pushing out the envelope on guitar pickup designs.
Keep innovating, and I'll keep buying what I can afford of yours.
Respectfully, Chuck
Ah......yeah....I'm a believer. I have been searching a long time to find a
Jazzmaster pickup that not only warms up and takes the edge off of these
guitars but is also completely noiseless while truely maintaining the vibe only
a Jazzmaster can provide. Jerry, my friend, you have absolutely NAILED it
on this one!! Build quality is as top notch as possible and, let's be honest it
looks amazing in my guitar. I'll be answering a lot of questions to the guitar
geeks in the front row the next time I play this one out, that's for sure. I can't
thank you enough for your mad genious and attention to detail!!!!
Dan Hinz/Maritime
Got the pickups and got them put in. What can I say but; crisp
clear, warm and harmonic. True to the the classic sound you
would expect from a 50/60 year old blues guitar. Thank you
sooo much for the great set of PAF pickups. to buy pickups
from anyone else would just be insane.
57/59 set of chrome Humbuckers for ES-175 August 11,2012
Christine & Jerry,
Got the pickups yesterday as promised – thanks!
I installed them in the guitar this morning, and they are great!
There is a certain sound that a Capri has (much better than
current models, IMO), and with the rewound bridge pickup it’s
exactly as it should be.
Thanks for your prompt turn-around and impeccable
workmanship – second to none. I’m sure that the guitar’s owner
will be very happy.
I just purchased a blue humbucker for the bridge, and a HB sized
single coil for the neck - was completely blown away by the
quality of these pickups. I have had Bare Knuckles, Fralin sets,
many Seymour Duncans, Gibson BBs, DiMarzio, and many stock
pickups. These are as good as anything I have heard. They sing
with a lot of depth. Can't recommend more - especially at their
prices. They are cheaper than SDs, yet sound as good as
expensive Fralins!!!
Regards, Dave.
June 27,2012
I have been playing my guitar for a while now and I am very pleased
with the great sound and building quality of theses pickups!
The distortion humbucker was right what I was expecting, powerful,
articulated and with a great definition, surprisingly resistant to external
noise also!
The vintage single coil is amazing, it is punchy and crystal clear as you
would expect!
The T-34 is an awesome Pickup! I'm using a 6 way switch to get
different combinations and each of them are sounding great!
I would totally suggest people using this pickup in the neck with a
switch, It give infinite possibilities for different styles and tastes.
The different combinations blends like a charm with the vintage single
I'm very happy with my purchase and I would clearly make business
again with you guys.
Special thanks to Christine and Jerry for their patience and attention to
my needs.
Thank you very much!
Québec, Canada
I purchased a set of custom wound Fender
Humbuckings from you. It took a while to round up the
other parts, but I picked it up 12/31 ans several friends
& I were able to check it out at my favorite music store
in Houston, Tx. Everyone, including me, were blown
away by the full, rich sound of the pickups. Even the
lutherier who assembled the Telecaster wanted the
information on how to orders pickups from y'all. So
you should have an increase in business from Texas.
Thanks again, your pickups are the best in my book
and I have guitars with the two other "Major pickup
brands ; yours blow them all away!
John Latch

Amazing Pickup!Very good on my Gibson RD!Strat sound!
S07 pickup (single coil that fits in a Humbucker slot)
Hi Jerry,
I just wanted to say thank you for the excellent job on the
es >> 347 spotlight pickup. It is perfect.
Thanks again,
Len Hirsch
Oceanside, NY
Jerry, I put the pickups in my Les Paul. I have to be honest with you, I do not
think you were honest with me about the quality. THESE ARE
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not believe how musical they sound,
my guitar has an almost etheral sound to it now. I am so thrilled. Thank you,
and again Thank you. I am so impressed, I have already contacted some of
my friends who make their living playing and suggested to them your work.
Thank you again.
David, NC
Hi Jerry,
I received the pickup and installed it yesterday. Nice job it sounds great! It
looks like you pay attention to detail in your work too. It is slightly darker
than I remember it, but not enough to bother me, more like just enough to
give it its own character. It really sings on the high gain stuff, which is
what I mainly use the guitar that I installed it in for. It balances nicely with
the stock neck p-100. I'll be sending you another one in a month or so.
Pat Flanigan
"Feeling reluctant to have my vintage DeAromd's
rewound, I stumbled upon Sentell Pickups and
Rewinding Services whose name came up on a simple
internet search. After consulting with Jerry two or three
time, what the heck...I decided to go for it. The price was
right I thought.
I gotta tell you, I shipped the pair of pickups out on the 4th
of March and got them back on two weeks later! Is that
fast enough for you? It was for me.
The pickups belong in a 1963 Guild Starfire III that I've
been re-united with recently. I haven't heard it in 30
years.. When I plugged it into my vintage Bandmaster
head and heard the sound coming out of the 2 x12 cab I
was astounded. I got the biggest grin on my face that I've
worn in 30+ years.
It is now the most articulate guitar that my ears have
heard in decades. What a refreshing change from sterile
flat sounding humbuckers! Whew.
The Starfire is admittedly a bit of a wreck but now will get
refinished at some point.
I took a chance on Sentell and made me a
believer. When he says that "You'll be glad you
did"...............oh yeah.
Thanks Much,
Boston, MA.
"The twin blade you made for
me is excellent, exactley what
I wanted to hear from my
axe. Lows are good and
heavy, highs are perfectly
sustainable and everything in
the middle, great job putting
this pickup together."
Cheers to your crew.
Thanks again,
Rochester, NY
"I needed to get two German Humbuckers out of my 1965
Kapa Electric guitar rebuilt, so, my son and I went on a
search of the internet for a rewinding site. We found
Sentell and we were both so impressed with the website
that I gave them a call. I'm very glad I did. Jerry rewound
the pick-ups to a kick butt , better than original state and
Christine kept in very good touch with me, through
emails, about what was going on with the rewinding
process. I would recommend Sentell to any player who
wants a better sound, or just needs some old pick-ups
fixed, like I did."
A very Happy Customer,
Larry Hilton
New Mexico, USA

[Perceived output level] Hot pickup [Tone] Good balance with great clarity. Not as
twangy as original, but it was harsh on the treble side. Clear even when pushed.
[Sonic evaluation] Amp is Laney GC-50A... 65 watts, 12 inch speaker. It's got a nice
overdrive feature. This pickup sounds good. Amp is solid state but produces tube
like clear tone. The pickup is much clearer than the original, or the two remaining
squire PUs. [For which styles and positions is this pickup (un)suitable] I play classic
rock, mostly clear leads. Mix of rhythms, groove a lot of stuff. Kick in the overdrive
sometimes when I'm lazy and don't want to worry about my technique. I've been
playing acoustic guitar for years. Got an electric recently and changing my style. I
choose this one as a trial, since I'd sent a bass pickup to Sentell to be rewound
anyway. I was pleasantly surprised by this overwound PU. They run deals monthly
on their pickups. Will wind to your specs/ hand or machine. Great value for the
Anonymous review of Beefstack pickup

MANDO- Yes you're looking at a solid electric Mandolin. It's about a
good 40 years old and is undergoing a major electronics upgrade.
"The piezo was the only thing working, but Jerry created a custom
pickup per my request and im still hashing out the harness". This
guy is in for the long haul but Chris's respect for a great Luthiers
prior work make the main man take his time. More on this later!

Got the pickups! Installed them in a
1991 Charvel Charvette 270 MIJ with
a Gibson Burstbucker 3 in the
bridge and holy smoke! You
knocked em out of the park! They
sound awesome man, thanks again
for the great work.